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our mission:

www.4Bimmers.com ©  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 

The Mission of our company is to provide customers with the best possible automotive repair service at the most competitive pricing.

​Pre-requisites for bringing our mission to reality are:

  • Extensive Brand Specific Experience: 
  • Quality Parts & Warranty:
  • Professional Tools of the Trade:
  • Preventive Care:
  • Assurance of 35 years in Business


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A family owned & operated BMW® Repair Shop.


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Extensive Brand Specific Experience: 

George has been working BMW automobiles for over 50 years, and has accrued vast experience over this time.

Quality Parts & Warranty:

Everything is as strong as the weakest link. We strive to use quality parts to ensure longest life. There are some parts where there is no comparison to the original. For some types of items, there is an aftermarket alternative. Whatever the case, we will notify you of the best possible option, if you would like to know. Typically we do not work with client supplied parts, but in the rare case that we do, there is absolutely no warranty. 

Professional Tools of the Trade:

The automobile repair industry is an ever changing landscape. As a small business, we try to reinvest as much as possible back into tools to stay productive and still competive. Professional grade tools to ensure higher productivity and least down time is crucial. 

Preventive Care: Such as identifying deteriorating components and problem areas BEFORE there is a breakdown on the road. We will alert you of these possible future issues, and provide a cost for repairs at no extra cost.

Assurance of 35 years in Business: Customers can trust that they will be treated fairly and that their vehicles will be well maintained and keep functioning. We have been in business 35 years, and to accomplish this


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h&r independent bmw® service